Oops, sorry, but I was so involved in making new quilts that I forgot to get a blog post written about the next video. Richmond Block of the Week Video 3 is on the website. Click on the link and it will take you to the Home Page of our website. You will see the Introductory video and just beneath that it says: "Click Here to See More Videos", click there and you will see all 3 of the videos we've done. If you're just getting started or life interrupts your sewing time, we will leave all of the videos on the website for a while. Please don't feel rushed to get this done!
We hope you are enjoying our latest Block of the Week and that the videos are helping you with cutting and piecing. In video 3, we begin piecing with Block 2. I had to laugh when we were filming the segments with me at the sewing machine - I never wear jewelry when I'm sewing and there I am with one of my nicer watches and a ring on each hand!! I hope you noticed how nice my nails look too!! I did that just for the videos!
After Paula headed back home, I continued working on two of the new quilts with Baltimore House. I finished Baltimore Baskets, the one with the panel, and here's a photo - pre-quilting. I love this panel and I think you are going to enjoy making this quilt. So many of us have fantastic custom longarm quilters or are longarmers, so this quilt will give them/you a chance to shine.
Up next was Basket of Stars and I finished that on Wednesday night (probably why I didn't get the blog done!) and it is off to the quilters. I was amazed at how quickly this went together and even better, how well it went together. I'm always a little nervous when blocks have a lot of small pieces; I'm so afraid that they are just not going to finish at the right size, but dang, these basket blocks were spot on!!! Hurray for me!! The pictures will show my 4 piles of little pieces that became 4 baskets and then finally the medallion. Sorry no picture of the whole top - ran out of time!

A quick call to Paula and I had the directions for the next quilt. We have so many new quilts to make for Market and Festival, that we can't have any down time. Peter and I leave for NY tomorrow for our annual Grandma/Grandpa Camp with Sydney and Julianne, so I need to get as much done as I can before I leave. This year Niagara Falls, Old Fort Niagara and maybe the NY State Fair are on the list. The new quilt has 328 flying geese in it, so that's what I started with - 125 done last night!
Chuckle for today - I live in Florida and it's going to be hot until November and we will probably get Fall weather in January (leaves actually fall off our trees then), but I saw this is Publix yesterday. At least Little Debbie's thinks it's time for Fall in Florida!
Personally, I'll know it's Fall when I see the candy corn out in the stores and then I will have to practice restraint because I will want to buy it all!!
Just a reminder that Richmond BOW complete kits, Starter kits, patterns and backing are available on our website. This link will take you directly to the BOW page with all of the items.
Video 4 will be available on August 29th - Piecing Block 3. I'll try to be better about getting the blog written on time. I should even have some vacation pictures to share!!
Until next time, happy quilting!
Mary Ellen