Welcome back to our Fall Mystery Block of the Week. Hopefully you've completed Week 1/Block 1 and are ready to move on because here's Week 2/Block 2.
You can find the directions for this block by clicking on this link:
We've chosen to use the same format for these patterns that we use for all of our patterns, so if you've used our patterns before you should be all set. As with any pattern, we highly recommend that you read through your pattern first before you begin any cutting. This will give you a feel for the pattern and the designer's writing style (they are all unique). If you have any problems or questions, please feel free to email us at: info@redcrinolinequilt.com or call us at 281 232-2583. We strive for an accurate pattern, but that doesn't always happen, no matter how many times we read, reread and reread!
It's nice to see that so many of you are choosing to use your own fabrics. The blocks you've shared are beautiful. We would love to share your completed quilts when the program is done - don't panic, I'll give you a couple of days to get them finished. Ok - at least a couple of weeks!
In addition to this program, we are in the midst of our pre-Market crazies. We're planning kits, cutting kits, writing patterns, editing patterns, piecing quilts, and sending quilts off for quilting, binding and photography. Paula and I each have our own "To Do" lists and we chat daily about what we've managed to cross off of our lists (always such a good feeling). Last week I finished piecing a re-do of Charlotte and a table runner version of James River Blues. They are both heading to the quilter this week.
Today I took a break from RCQ business and worked on our Belle Meade exchange. 672 2" finished HST's and 42 6" finished HST's! Everything was sewn and just needed to be cut and pressed. The exchange will be at our retreat at the end of September and all I can say is thanks heavens I started today! I planned to do all of this the night before we left for retreat and there is no way I would have finished! I forgot how long these things take, but now I'll be ready. Here's what I've managed to get done so far. This is on tap for tomorrow and I'm not starting anything else until it is done!

Movie review time: "Sully" premiered on Friday, so I was in the theater on Saturday afternoon with my Diet Coke and movie popcorn. I have been waiting for this movie to get here and it was definitely worth the wait. I loved it and Tom Hanks was excellent as Sully - he even looked like him! Family is coming into town next weekend, so I won't be hitting the theater. I did see previews for some movies to add to my viewing list.
Until next time, happy piecing,
Mary Ellen