I arrived back in St. Pete on Thursday night after a great visit with Paula in Katy. As Gloria always tells me: I need my Paula time!!! We accomplished all sorts of things: lunch at Lupe's with Jill, lunch at Red Oak Grill, dinner and ice cream to celebrate Shirley's birthday (Paula's Mom) at Freddy's!! You knew I was going for the food also, didn't you!!! We sat up late talking Tuesday and Wednesday night - just catching up and planning Fall Market and Festival! Thursday we went to the warehouse and I packed up some kits to bring to the Camp Blanding retreat in September (thank heavens for 2 free checked bags on Southwest and a husband willing to carry on his bag so I could have 2 more free bags!!) and then it was time to head back to the airport. Definitely a whirlwind trip, but hopefully Paula will be coming to the September retreat.
But now let's get to the title - Celebrations and Congratulations!! August is a busy month for our family and most of it is centered around this week.
August 23 - Congratulations to my son Brett and his beautiful wife Meredith on their 10th wedding anniversary!!!
August 25 - Congratulations to my nephew Sam on his 10th birthday! Yes he was born 2 days after the wedding and in Maryland - not where mommy and daddy were living at that time. He was born on the way home from the wedding in NY and on the way to North Carolina!! Great family story!!
August 26 - Congratulations to Peter and I on our 41st anniversary!!
Congratulations to our dear friend Phyllis Anderson (owner of Silver Thimbles). She designed "Stars of Glory", a quilt for Island Batiks featuring their Quilted in Honor fabric. Paula and I met and traveled with Phyllis and Bob on the quilt show circuit. Check out Island Batik's blog for more information on this great program.
"STARS OF GLORY was designed for the military men and women, past, present and future, who have dedicated their lives so that we can live free.
Many of my relatives are retired ex-military and I have seen first hand the pride and honor they have for our great land. It is their dedication that inspired me to make this quilt. With great pride and humility I donated this quilt to Operation Homefront to raise money for the soldiers and their families in times of great need.
-- Designer PJ Anderson

Help military families directly by donation. With each donation you are entered in the Quilted In Honor Free Draw for PJ Anderson's STARS OF GLORY quilt. All donations gathered by this initiative go directly to United States military families in need through the charitable organization, Operation Homefront.
(Click on the Quilted in Honor Free Draw link for the submission form).
I've been busy trying to catch up since I got home - laundry, emails, etc- but mainly trying to finish the new Harpers Ferry quilt. As of last night I had 20 blocks done (9 more to go) and I'm hoping to get back to that tonight!! Then it's on to the "bags" that Paula gave me when I was in Katy. I posted a picture on Facebook, but no guesses. It's Lancaster and I can't wait to get to it!!! We have wanted to re-do this for soooo long, but it takes soooo much fabric. Paula began setting aside fabrics and finally we have enough to make the kits!!!!! YAY!!!!! Blacks, cheddar, shirtings, browns, reds - what more could you ask for in one quilt!!! I also sensed a little jealousy with the "bagged" blocks for Harpers Ferry and Lancaster. Yes I am spoiled, but this lets Paula "play" with the fabric and plan each block!! Sorry, but this is not a service we are offering to anyone!!! Just me, because I am special!!

Oh, 1 more celebration - watch for an email tomorrow - we are having a sale on some of our kits starting Monday and lasting through Labor Day. Shop early because some have limited quantites. After I write and schedule that email I can get back to my sewing machine!!!
Until next time, happy quilting,
Mary Ellen